Cover Crop planting extension

Iowa Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig and State Conservationist Kurt Simon with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) announcing that farmers participating in state cost-share and most federal financial assistance programs now have an additional two weeks to plant their winter hardy cereal rye cover crop and still qualify for assistance.

The seeding date is extended following the announcement that only 61 percent of Iowa’s soybeans and 23 percent of corn were harvested as of Sunday, Oct. 22. 

'“The crop report indicated both corn and soybean harvests are behind the five-year average,” said Naig. “Extending the deadline an additional two weeks will allow additional farmers to get a cereal rye cover crop planted, benefitting water quality.”

“Late seeded cereal rye provided adequate spring growth for erosion control in the past when allowed to grow to at least eight inches tall before termination,” said Simon.

The revised cover crop seeding dates for cereal rye are:

Zone 1 (Northern Iowa) Nov. 4 – 18

Zone 2 (Central Iowa) Nov. 11 – 25

Zone 3 (Southern Iowa) Nov. 19 – Dec. 3

Here's the map of zones:

Cover Crop Zones

Iowa State experts say crops planted within these dates still have the potential to provide a substantial reduction in nutrient losses and soil erosion, and offer this advice:

  • · Seed cereal rye as soon as possible after harvest of the principal crop.
  • · The cover crop will be no-till drilled into crop residue.
  • · Allow the cover crop to grow until at least 8 inches before spring termination.
  • · It is recommended the seeding rate of cereal rye be increased to 75 pounds Pure Live Seed (PLS) per acre to adjust for reduced tillering.
  • · The extension does not apply to all federal programs. Contact your local NRCS office if you have questions.

Farmers approved for cost-share assistance who are still unable to plant cover crops should contact their local NRCS office.  More on today's Big Show here:

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